Most anticipated nonfiction 2025

 With the start of 2025, the world of books never fails to captivate us. The nonfiction section, which is full of inspiring autobiographies, heroic historical events, and scientific reads, comprises phenomenal novels by fantastic authors. Nonfiction clears our minds of our fantasies and helps us to get an insight into the real world, including reading a first-hand witness of war or behind the scenes of a very perfect lifestyle or the most inspiring life journeys.

fiction nonfiction books from BooksWagon

Bookswagon is stocked up with the best nonfiction novels that will be worth reading in 2025. This carefully curated list brings you the best-read nonfiction 2025: 

  1. Hope: The Autobiography: The book is an autobiography of Pope Francis, the present pope of the Roman Catholic Church. This book is an account of his life’s incidents and experiences—the journey he went through that built him into the spiritual leader he is today. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Pope's family, childhood incidents, and experiences transformed him into a pure soul and a kind man who is capable of helping numerous people spiritually. Hope is a powerful read that provides insight into the thoughts and beliefs of one of the most influential religious figures of the current time, inspires you spiritually, and influences your life in the best way possible.
  2. When the Going Was Good: This book, written by Graydon Carter, provides a casual look into the social, cultural, and political structure of the early 20th century. The author gives a critical look into the contemporary world and the glamorous and often queer lifestyle of the elite and rich class. This book is filled with beautiful essays that are filled with humor, irony, and critical viewpoints on the elite class, making it a good read for those interested in the behind-the-scenes curtain lives of celebrities or the rich class.
  3. The Fate of the Day: Written by Rick Atkinson, the book covers events of a single day of WWII—the day of the invasion of Normandy. The story covers the viewpoints of soldiers and leaders that were involved in this event. The author gives a vivid description of the event and the thoughts and ideas that went behind such a crucial moment in history. It covers the consequences of war, the effects on human life, and the much-needed acts of survival and heroism that make it one of the top nonfiction books 2025.
  4. Lorne: This book is a biography of Lorne Greene, a famous Canadian actor, and is written by Susan Morrison. The book dives into the personal as well as professional career of Lorne. It covers his journey from working in radio to his evergreen roles in fantastic movies, especially his role in the phenomenal series of 14 seasons—Bonanza. The book is a deep insight into the inspiring journey of the actor.

These are the most anticipated nonfiction 2025 that will bring you a mixture of emotions. Bookswagon never fails to provide you with your needs for the novels, be it highly anticipated nonfiction 2025 to inspirational memoirs of historical and personal life.

